


  文/北京集佳知識產(chǎn)權代理有限公司 葛琛琛



  下面我們分享兩件Patent Trial and Appeal Board 審理決定的案例來(lái)了解步驟2A的審查實(shí)踐。


  一、案例1:Appeal 2024-000087 Application 16/474,477【1】


  1.A failure diagnosis system comprising:

  a mechanical apparatus including:

  a motor;

  a reduction gear driven by the motor, the reduction gear being configured to slow down rotation power of the motor and transmit the rotation power to an operating part of the mechanical apparatus;

  an encoder configured to detect a rotational position of the motor; and

  a sensor configured to detect a motor current supplied to the motor, the motor current being one of load current of the motor and a current value having a correlation with the load current;

  a processor programmed to:

  acquire rotation speed data of the motor based on a

  signal from the encoder;

  identify an acceleration/deceleration period during which operation of the mechanical apparatus accelerates and/or decelerates based on the acquired rotation speed data based on the signal from the encoder;

  generate a group of time series rotation speed data by sequentially sampling the portion of the acquired rotation speed data from the identified acceleration/deceleration period acquired based on the signal from the encoder;


  make a determination of whether the reduction gear indicates a sign of failure induced by abrasion based on a comparison between a given amplitude threshold and the extracted peak value in a change in frequency spectrum of the motor current with respect to a change in a rotation speed of the motor during the acceleration/deceleration period; and

  an outputter that outputs a result of the determination of whether the     reduction gear indicates the sign of failure.

  審查員認為權1屬于抽象概念中的數學(xué)概念或心理活動(dòng),且該抽象概念沒(méi)有指向實(shí)際應用,因為權1中所述處理器(processor)僅是用于執行通用計算機指令的通用計算機裝置,而至于權1中的motor, reduction gear, encoder, and sensor 僅是用于無(wú)關(guān)緊要的額外解決方案活動(dòng)的數據收集步驟。

  但PTAB 認為,權1不涉及數學(xué)概念。雖然權1中的一系列決策是基于數學(xué)概念,但并沒(méi)有出現數學(xué)概念本身。即使權1中涉及了抽象概念,但該抽象概念也指向改進(jìn)減速器故障檢測技術(shù)的實(shí)際應用。雖然權1的處理器是一個(gè)通用的計算機組件,但執行該處理器可以改進(jìn)技術(shù)。所以,根據新修改指南在Step2A中的Prong 2的判斷,權1符合101的規定,屬于可專(zhuān)利的客體。


  二、案例2:Appeal 2024-000046 Application 15/793,455【1】


  1. A method, comprising:

  performing a classification operation on a first item,


  generating, by processing circuitry of a computer configured to operate a kernel-based machine learning classifier, a plurality of diagonal matrices, each of the plurality of diagonal matrices having non-diagonal elements that are zero and diagonal elements that have values distributed according to a specified probability distribution function and having a dimension based on a specified dimension;

  producing, by the processing circuitry, a plurality of orthogonal matrices, each of the plurality of orthogonal matrices having mutually orthogonal rows;

  for each of the plurality of diagonal matrices, forming, by the processing circuitry, a plurality of matrix pairs, each of the plurality of matrix pairs including (i) that diagonal matrix, and (ii) a respective orthogonal matrix of the plurality of orthogonal matrices;

  generating, by the processing circuitry, a product of each of the plurality of matrix pairs to produce a linear transformation matrix;

  obtaining, by the processing circuitry, an input vector representing the first item from a database, the input vector having the specified dimension;

  using the linear transformation matrix to produce an approximated feature vector for the input vector, the approximated feature vector including a nonlinear function of inner products of row vectors of the linear transformation matrix and the input vector; and

  providing the approximated feature vector as input into the kernel-based machine learning classifier; and

  determining, by the processing circuitry, whether the first item has a particular classification based on an output of the kernel-based machine learning classifier.



  1)步驟 1(Statutory category法定分類(lèi))


  2)步驟 2A(i)(does the claim recite a judicial exception?權利要求是否屬于司法例外?)


  “generating . . . a product of each of the plurality of matrix pairs to produce a linear transformation matrix . . . 

  using the linear transformation matrix to produce an approximated feature vector for the input vector . . .”



  “performing a classification operation on a first item . . .

  generating . . . a plurality of diagonal matrices . . .

  producing . . . a plurality of orthogonal matrices . . .

  for each of the plurality of diagonal matrices, forming . . . a plurality of matrix pairs . . .

  providing the approximated feature vector as input . . . ; and

  determining . . . whether the first item has a particular classification based on an output of the kernel-based machine learning classifier.”


  3)步驟2A(ii)(is the judicial exception integrated into a practical application?該司法例外是否指向實(shí)際應用?)

  PTAB同意審查員認為“processing circuitry”和“database”是高度概括的元素僅涉及執行通用指令的通用的計算機,認為“obtaining . . . an input vector representing the first item . . . , the input vector having the specified dimension”是無(wú)關(guān)緊要的額外解決方案活動(dòng)。

  但是,PTAB認為“providing the approximated feature vector as input into the kernel-based machine learning classifier”和 “determining, by the processing circuitry, whether the first item has a particular classification based on an output of the kernel-based machine learning classifier”是將矩陣和向量的乘法這個(gè)抽象概念指向實(shí)際應用,即:根據稱(chēng)為結構化正交隨機特征(SORF)的新框架生成針對高斯內核的無(wú)偏估計器;使用該無(wú)偏估計器來(lái)從數據庫中選擇的項目進(jìn)行分類(lèi)操作。這種實(shí)際應用提高了某一特定機器的性能。因此,這些額外的限制通過(guò)提高機器學(xué)習分類(lèi)器的內存使用和準確性,為機器學(xué)習系統的技術(shù)領(lǐng)域提供了改進(jìn)。所以根據新修改指南在Step2A中的Prong 2的判斷,權1符合101的規定,屬于可專(zhuān)利的客體。











