
集佳在MIP IP Stars 2023年度評比中蟬聯(lián)多項榮譽(yù)



  近期,國際權威知識產(chǎn)權專(zhuān)業(yè)媒體《知識產(chǎn)權管理》(Managing Intellectual Property,簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“MIP”)陸續公布了2023年度“知識產(chǎn)權之星”(IP STARS)各項榜單,集佳知識產(chǎn)權憑借出色的專(zhuān)業(yè)實(shí)力和良好的業(yè)界口碑,蟬聯(lián)多項榮譽(yù),再次登上IP STARS“專(zhuān)利訴訟”“專(zhuān)利申請”“商標訴訟”“商標申請”“版權業(yè)務(wù)”五大領(lǐng)域的推薦榜單。


  ——"This firm is well organised, and their teamwork is excellent."

  ——"We appreciate the quality of work, expertise, flexibility, and (more with respect to requirements of our colleagues in China) the regional footprint in China (Unitalen Attorneys at Law has a network of offices in many Chinese cities which is hardly rivalled by other law firms and that helps with local issues)."

  ——"The team are proactive and provide prompt responses. They have good client relationship management, and we share the same client values and client focus."

  ——"They are a friendly team with excellent English spoken, first-rate attorneys, and they are very responsive."

  ——"We value their accessibility, reliability and technical excellence."

  ——"Their service is so detailed. For every event they give a guideline and check what I have to read."


  同時(shí),李德山副所長(cháng)、武樹(shù)辰律師、孫長(cháng)龍律師和侯玉靜律師因其在各自領(lǐng)域的卓越實(shí)力和杰出表現,分別獲評2023 IP Stars“專(zhuān)利之星”“商標之星”美譽(yù)。





年度 評比 蟬聯(lián) 多項 榮譽(yù)