文/北京集佳知識產(chǎn)權代理有限公司 王靜宇
Sub-section 44(2) of the Canadian Patent Rules
(2) The small entity status condition is that
?。╝)in respect of an application for a patent — other than a PCT national phase application or a divisional application — the applicant of the application on the filing date is, on that date, an entity that has 50 employees or less or is a university, other than
(i) an entity that is controlled directly or indirectly by an entity, other than a university, that has more than 50 employees, or
(ii) an entity that has transferred or licensed, or has an obligation other than a contingent obligation to transfer or license, any right or interest in a claimed invention to an entity, other than a university, that has more than 50 employees;
?。╞)in respect of an international application, the applicant of the application on the national phase entry date is, on that date, an entity that has 50 employees or less or is a university, other than an entity referred to in subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii); and
?。╟)in respect of a divisional application, the applicable requirements of this subsection are met in respect of the original application
Sub-section 44(2) of the Canadian Patent Rules
(3) A small entity declaration must
(a) be filed with the Commissioner in a document other than the abstract, the specification or the drawings of the application on the basis of which the patent was granted, that identifies the patent to which the declaration relates;
(b) contain a statement that the patentee believes that the small entity status condition set out in subsection (2) is met in respect of the patent;
(c) be signed by a patent agent appointed in respect of that patent or by
(i) if there is a single patentee, the patentee,
(ii) if there is a single patentee and a document authorizing a foreign practitioner to sign a small entity declaration is signed by the patentee and submitted to the Commissioner at the same time as the declaration, that foreign practitioner,
(iii) if there are joint patentees, any one of the patentees, or
(iv) if there are joint patentees and a document authorizing a foreign practitioner to sign a small entity declaration is signed by any one of the patentees and submitted to the Commissioner at the same time as the declaration, that foreign practitioner; and
?。╠)indicate the name of the patentee and, if applicable, the name of the patent agent or the foreign practitioner signing the declaration.
和美國不同,加拿大的小實(shí)體狀態(tài)是在提交申請時(shí)(對于PCT進(jìn)入國家階段的申請而言,為進(jìn)入國家階段時(shí))確立的,一經(jīng)確立則無(wú)需修改,即使在提交分案申請時(shí),也是根據母案申請日時(shí)確立的實(shí)體狀態(tài)來(lái)繳納官費。也就是說(shuō),即使一家企業(yè)在提交加拿大申請時(shí)只有20位雇員,但是稍后申請過(guò)程中壯大成了500人以上的大企業(yè),那么在繳納加拿大官費時(shí)仍可以按照提交時(shí)的小實(shí)體狀態(tài)來(lái)繳納。錯誤的實(shí)體狀態(tài)聲明可能會(huì )使最終獲得的加拿大專(zhuān)利權被視為無(wú)效。加拿大專(zhuān)利申請程序中沒(méi)有特定程序來(lái)糾正和修改加拿大的小實(shí)體狀態(tài)的,這就意味著(zhù)一旦申請人聲明的小實(shí)體狀態(tài)有誤,那么就只能基于審查員的自由裁量權來(lái)訂正或者修改小實(shí)體狀態(tài)了,而實(shí)踐中尚沒(méi)有是否批準訂正或修改小實(shí)體狀態(tài)的指引。因此,在申請人無(wú)法確認企業(yè)是否屬于加拿大專(zhuān)利法實(shí)施細則中規定的小實(shí)體狀態(tài)時(shí),建議按照大實(shí)體標準繳納官費。 和美國一樣,加拿大的小實(shí)體官費折扣率也是50%,另外,加拿大沒(méi)有更低的微小實(shí)體折扣。鑒于加拿大小實(shí)體狀態(tài)在申請后不易訂正和修改,且加拿大官費本身就不高,減免的費用實(shí)際上也不多,簽署并遞交小實(shí)體聲明又將產(chǎn)生一筆額外的當地事務(wù)所服務(wù)費。因此,提交小實(shí)體聲明并要求享受小實(shí)體折扣,在加拿大專(zhuān)利申請中可能并不劃算,還可能承擔不必要的風(fēng)險(因小實(shí)體狀態(tài)有誤而使得專(zhuān)利被視為無(wú)效),因此在加拿大申請中建議申請人謹慎提交小實(shí)體聲明。