
China Trademark Service Fees Reduction Effective from This July

July 11, 2019

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued “the Notice on Reducing Certain Administrative Fees” which came into effective from July 1, 2019. The following stipulations concern trademark:


1. The acceptance of the trademark registration renewal fee, reduced from 1000 yuan to 500 yuan;

2. The change fee, reduced from 250 to 150 yuan;

3. For the trademark services that can be submitted online and accept the electronic publication,

- change fee will be waived; and

- 10% fee reduction on the other charging items, including the acceptance of the trademark registration fee, the reissuance of the trademark registration certificate fee, the acceptance of the transfer of the registered trademark fee, the acceptance of the trademark renewal registration fee, the acceptance of delayed renewal registration fee, the acceptance of trademark review fee, the trademark certification fee, the acceptance of collective trademark registration fee, the acceptance of certifiying trademark registration fee, the trademark opposition fee, the trademark revocation fee, the trademark license contract filing fee.


(Source: CNIPA website)

