
Unitalen Won Domain Name Disputes for World-famous Companies

October 28, 2009
As known to all, domain name is one of most important competition tools for business entities, and also part of the intangible assets. Because of this, there have been more and more companies or individuals seeking for registration of domain names similar to trademarks or trade names of famous companies, and then put them into use or offer for sale at high price. These bad-faith acts infringe the legal rights of well-known trademark owners. Recently Unitalen won a number of domain name dispute cases on behalf of leading industrial frontiers, including BMW, Georgio Armani and UPS.

BMW's trademark 'BMW', Giorgio Armani's trademarks 'armani','giorgio armani' and 'emporio armani' and UPS's UPS series marks enjoy very high reputation worldwide, which incur preemptive domain name "hi-jacking" by ill-will third parties.

Since 2008, Unitalen, acting on behalf of BMW AG, has won disputes against domain names 'bmw-bmw.com', 'bmw-bmw.cn' and 'bmw-bmw.com.cn'. On behalf of Giorgio Armani Corporation, Unitalen has succeeded in retrieving domain names 'emporioarmaniwatches.com.cn', 'emporioarmaniwatches.cn', 'armaniexchange.net.cn', 'armaniexchange.org.cn' and 'giorgioarmanibeauty.cn'. Unitalen also assisted UPS to get their domain names "upsdeliverylink.cn", "upsracing.cn", "upsworldship.cn, "upsource.cn" back as outcome of a single domain complaint. These successes help maintain the good-will of these worldwide well-known brands.

In addition, Unitalen has also assisted in recovering many other domain names through complaint proceedings, including 'alainafflelou.com.cn' and 'alainafflelou.cn' for Alain Afflelou Franchiseur, and 'frangelico.cn' and 'frangelico.com.cn' for C & C International Limited.

The successes of these domain name disputes not only safeguarded the clients' lawful interests, but also helped curb the domain name "hi-jacking" activities. In so doing, Unitalen has shown its outstanding ability in domain name protection.

