
Google’s Trademark Infringement of Googles

July 8, 2004
Google’s Trademark Infringement of Googles
Search engine Google has been accused of trademark infringement by children’s web site Googles.com. Stelor Productions, the company in charge of the management and operation of Googles.com, announced on Wednesday its trademark infringement appeal to the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO).

Stelor said, they have already started two separate procedures for Google has exceeded the limits for dealing with products and services aimed at children. Googles.com was set up in 1997 for selling toys and clothes for children, as well as for providing e-mail, online diaries etc services to the Internet community aged 2-10.

Google, on the other hand, was formally registered as a company in 1998 and registered its trademark in 1998, which was formally PTO-authorized only in January 2004. Stelor top executive said: “Trademark similarity has influenced our business, but Google accepts no talks. Google’s founders have been always propagating right-doing, however, showing disrespect for our trademark, which is first registered, is more than surprising for everyone.”

He also expressed his hope for future cooperation between Google and Stelor, having surfers in search of children’s products redirected to the Googles.com website. He said he has higher expectations for the Googles brand name, including authorizing children entertainment media, TV especially, with their rights on cartoon characters. In this respect, Stelor recently promoted several Googles tunes with the iTunes of Apple Computers.

