
The Trademark “Chamber of Commerce in Wenzhou”was filed in Bad Faith

April 10, 2006
Prevailed in the big and middle cities of China, the trademark “Chamber of Commerce in Wenzhou” was filed in bad faith. On February 28, the trademark “Chamber of Commerce in Wenzhou”was advertised in the official gazette issued by the State Trademark Office. The applicant is a local resident in Wenzhou. The General Chamber of Commerce in Wenzhou which has already had a internal magazine “Chamber of Commerce in Wenzhou”is consulting with the professionals so as to take action.

The famous Chamber of Commerce in Wenzhou has a history over 100 years, which was a regional businessman organization, Chamber of Commerce in Wenzhou, and established in Qing Dynasty. After decades of changing, the General Chamber of Commerce in Wenzhou was set up in September 1990. According to an incomplete statistics, there are about 1.75 million Wenzhou natives doing business all over China. There are nearly 200 enterprises owned by Wenzhou natives, each of which has assets value over RMB 100 million. There are 127 chambers of commerce Wenzhou across China’s big and middle-sized cities, which play an important role in this regard.

