
18 Law Enforcement Organs are Rewarded for Achievements in Protecting IPR of Foreign Investment Companies

June 5, 2007
Due to remarkable contributions in fighting IP infringement crimes against foreign investment enterprises, 18 law enforcement organs in China including Shanghai Customs and Beijing Supreme Court, etc. are rewarded “Annual IP Protection Award 2006~2007” by Quality Brands Protection Committee (the “QBPC”) of China Association of Foreign Investment Enterprises (the “CAFIE”) on April 26 in Zhengzhou.
Mr. Wei’an Zhang, Chairman of QBPC and senior IP counsel of General Electric Company (Asia) said that the awards are set for rewarding the law enforcement organs that created innovative ideas, taking effective measures and setting up case examples in cracking down IP infringement crimes.

These eighteen organs elected by the member companies of the QBPC are mostly from the customs, public securities, procuratorates or courts. At present, the QBPC has 170 member companies, most of which are influential multinational corporations and internationally known corporations with world-renowned brands. Their total investment in China has exceeded 700 billion US dollars.

