
Electronic Application Rate of Patents Attains 80% in the First Nine Months of 2012

December 8, 2012

In the first nine months this year, national patent electronic application rate has reached 80.1 percent; provincial electronic application rate and electronic application rate by patent agency have reached as high as 80% and 95% respectively in seven provinces including Jiangsu, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Fujian, Liaoning, Hunan in China. This demonstrates that electronic application has become increasingly favored by both patent applicant and patent agency.

Related statistics show that by the end of September this year, there are 830 patent agencies doing patent agency business, among which 812 patent agencies have submitted electronic applications, 654 patent agencies have realized electronic application rate of 100%; there are 8 provinces and cities have achieved electronic application rate of over 80%; patent agencies in 21 provinces, autonomous regions and/or municipalities have realized electronic application rate of 95%.

